Pamela Rae Armstrong
Masters in Religious Leadership, United Theological Seminary in the Twin Cities, 1992. Bachelors Degree in Psychology, Concordia College, Moorhead, MN, 1982
Director of Children's Ministry, First Presbyterian Church, Fort Collins, CO - 2017-Present
Associate Pastor of Children & Family Ministries, First UMC, Red Wing, MN, 2016-2017.
Pastor, Epworth United Methodist Church, Minneapolis, MN, 2011 to 2016.
Licensed as Local Pastor by the Bishop of the MN United Methodist Church Annual Conference, 2011.
Substitute para-professional in special education, District 833, South Washington County Schools, 2009-2011.
Collaborated in writing and recording a song - "Cradle of Wings - In Memory" - in March, 2006. To see my web site for this song click here and to hear a sample of me singing the song, click here.
Adjunct Faculty, United Theological Seminary-Twin Cities Spring 2001 and 1992.
Responsibilities included: Teaching "Made In the Image," a Course in Theology relating to disability issues in the church and society.
Teacher, Tutor Time in Cottage Grove, 2000-2006.
Christian Education and Youth Director, Newport United Methodist Church, 2002-2011.
Soloist for Weddings, Funerals and Musical Events
Religious Educator, Hillcrest UMC, 1993-2000.
Responsibilities included: Taught Confirmation; Preached and organized and sang for Contemporary Worship services; Served as Youth Director with 30+ jr and sr high youth (1997-1998); Led 'Lightseekers' fellowship group for grades 1-6; Served as assistant with 6th grade 'Kids for God' group; taught 7th & 8th grade Sunday school classes; Assisted in the Day Care program as Teacher's assistant.
Church Secretary, 1995-2000.
Responsibilities included: Do computer work and copying work to produce all church newsletters and bulletins; Supervise 10 office volunteers a week; Assist pastor in producing correspondence and mailings; maintain church databases; Organize the church office and maintain records and ordering information for curriculum and supplies; and much more.
Partner in Made In the Image, 1993-Present.
Responsibilities included: Present programs to raise awareness of disability issues; Consult with organizations about their awareness of the needs of persons with disabilities; Organize programs and conference presentations on disability awareness theology.
Northern Pines Friendship Camp Dean, 1993-1997.
Responsibilities included: Serving as Dean/Major Coordinator of Camp for adults with developmental disabilities; Worked as Counselor at the camp for a few years prior to this.
Cooperating Community Programs, 1985-1999.
Responsibilities included: Provided supervision and direct care for residents of group homes organized to meet the needs of persons with developmental disabilities; Managed others who provided direct care; Substituted for staff persons who provided direct care in residential and in-home setting; Trained staff.
Assistant Human Resource Director and Job Coach 1978-1985.
Responsibilities included: Provided job counseling and training for staff.
Camp Counselor, Elks' Camp Grassic in North Dakota 1978-1985.
Responsibilities included: Twenty-four-hour responsibility for supervision of ten children with special needs during ten weeks of the summer.
Mother to Daughter, Michelle Grace Armstrong (aka "Ellie"), and
Mother to Daughter,
Melody Joy Armstrong (aka "Emmy"), born on Mommy's birthday, January 21
Stepmother to Jessica and Jon.
Married to Gary Ritner
Contact Preferred:
651 983-0676
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